Most of what we call problems, suffering, challenges and whatever word we use to describe those uncomfortable moments are really, from a long term big picture, petty concerns or as I have decided to call them toy sufferings.
Having issues with your weight?
Somebody caught you off?
Coworker didn't say hi when you got in?
Long Line at Trader's joe?
Ran out of coffee at home?
Honey didnt do chores at home?
Somebody didnt say hi?
Were you dropped in your weekly group ride?
The neighbors have better <xx??
Cant afford a Porsche?
They are rather ,makings of the ego trying to distract us from , trying to make us relate and experience reality in a way that keeps us busy, spinning our wheels, getting nowhere really... (does so our ego can get enough attention.
But at the same time the ego does everything it can to survive, cant blame it for trying... but for me it has worked to call these "needs" toy sufferings, accept them as such, smile and hopefully move on. Knowing is half the battle. There you have it dear ego, your own category for your worries. I am sure you are delighted with the attention.