Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chery Strayed - Stuck

"Or at least not anything that was genuinely, mind-fuckingly, soul-crushngly life altering. Some of those people believe they are being helpful by minimizing your pain. Others are scared of the intensity of your loss and so they use their words to push your grief away. Many of those people love you are worthy of your love, but they are not the people who will be helpful to you when it comes to healing the pain of your daughters' death. They live on Planet Earth. You live on Planet My Baby Died. "

Good intentions is ,without debate a, good start but it wont necessarily deliver results.
Good intentions has nothing, necessarily, to do with good efficient and effective execution.
But we all tend to help in those very terms in which we would like to receive help, we fail to help in term's of the other party.
Sometimes because we don't know.
Sometimes because we assume our opinion is everybody's opinion (and how could it not in our little heads?). If we could show empathy, Gosh! sometimes it is all that is needed. Then with skillful means  ask how to help. Hopefully we are ready to be pushed away, because people ( I mean me) will probably need first of all, space.
Space to figure out things.
Space to grieve.
Space, without you around.

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