Friday, August 2, 2013

Manage your day (review) and daily rituals

This book closes the gap between the what and the how. The 'what'  -to my eyes the way I see it is more we want to go, where we need to go .... but the how is where - most of us struggle - the execution part. For example I want to meditate in the early morning  but .... I don't choose a meditation cd/mp3 or book and if I do , I place it somewhere I can't remember , then i can't find it ...then 15 minutes later inspiration dies. Anger arises.   This book then is filled with 'hows'.
I specially like the 'key takeaways' after each chapter  - Defend your creative time (your creative time according to your own energy levels). Kill the background noise (for me, mostly internet).

One of my favorites on routine building is great work before anything else. In my case, that requires specific preparation most of the time . Have everything handy so that my mind can find no excuse for not starting the work. But also we need to define what is great work. Does it mean job related tasks? Does it mean personal related stuff? Maybe one , maybe all of them but I have found that for me great work is often most beneficial in the long term and often the one task that is slightly terrifying, and even threats some identify of mine. I had read before eat your frog first and the similar experience but didn't find quite anything profound in that idea. Now, it has all come together. For me, early is better 5:00 am to be exact, key enablers setup and waiting, and then something meaningful (and scary). It is often one task, that exhausts me. Then recharge , and hit it on again , over and over.....

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